Monday, December 03, 2007

Education and Reservation


Are the politicians misusing the word reservation to serve their power interests?

What educational reservation can do may not be visible now. But it has the potential to ruin the nation. We are living in the 21st century, but we still believe in the race or religion based reservation system.

Looking back, that is 50 years after independence; we have made its mark on the economic front. But when it comes to universities, it is falling behind in the global context. What then plagues it?

The major obstacle has been reservation, which is more an outcome of a political game plan than a genuine compassion to uplift the left-behind populace. It has opened the university doors preferentially for certain races, putting merit on the backburner. It shows the extent to which the corrupt politicians, for whom there is nothing more important than vote, to grab power.

Every citizen is entitled to the best possible basic education. Reservation in that domain therefore might be justified, if the economic criteria have been preferred over race or religion based reservation system.

But the greater area of concern is university education, which is a gateway to the professional world. Race-based reservation is of no use in the changed circumstances. This is even dangerous as it will forever keep the country divided. Reservation will also compromise with the quality of student intake and thus the output.

Let’s think of years from now when the country would need a greater pool of talent performing optimally. We need to change our reservation policies and rectify our past mistakes.

Is reservation a necessity? isn't it embarrassing?

Is Reservation still the need of the hour? How long should it exist? Some people were given a special privilege because it was the need of that hour. In order to bridge the divide, the government or rather the leaders of that era felt the need to implement policies that would give these people some privileges. The aim of these policies was to improve the standard of living of the people who are referred to as Bumiputras.

This race system is man-made and therefore the question of granting privileges does not arise. It is like hurting a man’s dignity and then making up by giving him some privileges. I again say that I am not against reservation, but undue relaxations are not welcomed. Awarding reservation in education is not justified because bumiputras also have the mental capability required to work hard and do well. God bestowed them with equal mental power. It is the politicians and many of us, who made them weak and now in order to rectify our own mistakes, we are committing more.

Financial assistance up to a certain extent is acceptable. If a person is competent enough, no race and no system can stop him/her to achieve success. Success doesn’t come by your race. It is the fruit of your hard work. No organization selects a candidate on the basis of his/her race (In Malaysia may be). I don’t understand why our society is still driven by such race based reservation systems.

Man has reached Mars and still on Earth we treat each other as creatures!
Spiritualism is gaining momentum and still we look down upon others!

Oh God! I sometime wonder, are we moving ahead or going back. We do not respect each other. We are still following the mistakes committed by our forefathers. We sit in a Mercedes S Class but refuse to part with those 100 year old thoughts. Modernization has taken place in the world, but it is yet to reach our minds, our souls.



SOSSCD said...

This BN consists of a group of thugs who are out to steal and rob the nation's assets at their whims and fancies. This BN is not keen in administering the nation properly.

vincent said...

NEP education which run in this country where stupid student gets a change to further studies but the poor intelligent student left behind.


Your Education and Reservation policy was actually one of the many affirmative action policies for Malays that was pioneered by the British themselves way before Merdeka itself. Examples of such special institutions initiated for the Malays must include the Malay Civil Service,Kedah Civil Service, State and Federal Minor Scholarships, Malay College Kuala Kangsar, The Malay Regiment, special boarding schools and hostels etc. etc.. Thus began the divide that we see today on a much grander scale.


Dizzer said...

The real divide in the local universities is not so much racial as socio-economic. The top three unis - UM, UKM and USM - are more or less representative of the racial breakdown (approx 65% bumiputera, 25% Chinese, 10% Indian) although the others have a higher proportion of Malays - perhaps 70-80%. In order to raise standards they need to attract more middle class Malaysians of all races. This entails greater use of English, as well as a more open and critical academic environment where students are allowed to question answers rather than answer questions.

At the moment, anyone with money (or access to sponsorship) opts for the private or international sectors for obvious reasons. If politicians, senior civil servants, the corporate elite etc had a little more faith in the system and sent their own kids to our IPTAs I think you could expect significant improvements.

As it stands, there is very little incentive for the elite to push for higher standards because they have no personal interest in the system that they themselves have devised. I'd be very interested to know how many federal and state politicians send their own children to local universities...

whatever said...

I think much have been said about the segregation of race in our country and comparing ourselves to others. What people do not understand is, we are still a young country. 50years of independence doesn't make us a seasoned free country. We are still finding our feet in this thing called democracy and freedom.

If you look at historical data of countries that was colonised and won their independent. There will always be a civil war looming around in the history or present. United States of America, won their independence at 1776, civil war strike at 1861, almost 100 years later.

We can argue that education and those revolution has given us enough to learn the mistake others did. But we should not forget that, pattern and trends do not go away even times have changed. Look at fashion, look at music and look around us. It is a cycle.

So let's not over hype our nation state of independence and how we have not learned. It is because we have not suffered, hence we do not know what is good for us!!

Padman said...

Why talk about reservations for places in our universities? In my state n.sembilan, there are reservations for post of Headmasters in Government Secondary schools. When I retired in 1994 there were NO Indian headmasters in any one secondary school. I think the situation is the same now! Why? Indians are not good enough?

Anonymous said...

We can find out it?

Anonymous said...

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